Saturday, November 21, 2009

Changing Shape

Blogging has not been the same these past few months, as I have avoided revealing something that has taken over much of our focus. Yet rounding the corner to 13 weeks, I figured that those of you who have stuck with me this past year and beyond, deserve to know this fact: we got pregnant. Hence the "emergency trip" by my mom in October, when my morning sickness was at its height. And the stuff is still lingering, lucky me. Fortunately I was prescribed an anti-puking medication, which has helped prevent dashes to the nearest toilet. Or tree.
I am in no way concerned about documenting this experience, as Josh captures all the details. He has been following me around the house with his Leica, and now there are a number of photos of me like the one above and below, in my new favorite places (I hope he doesn't mind that I stole a couple). And maybe some day some of you might be lucky enough to see the photos of me clutching the toilet.
Despite the sickness, this is exciting. At 10 weeks in, we heard the heartbeat. And as the title suggests, I am indeed changing shape. Apparently this being inside of me is currently the size of a kiwi, and is starting to make fists and wiggle its toes. Pretty amazing to imagine.
So now, this blog will certainly have yet another focus, one which I hope remains interesting and a little entertaining. And I will continue to try and sneak a photo or two in from Josh's stash.
I will leave you with this closing shot.


Amanda said...

Congratulations! Wonderful news. Hope that your morning sickness gets better.

Eric said...

Yay!!! Class of 2027 rocks! Your first trimester is over, that was the hardest for Nicole until the last month or so when she felt like she was carrying a bowling ball everywhere she went (her words). Please consider the midwife route, natural child birth was the best route for us. Plus Josh could take pictures, I don't think hospitals will allow any inside. I couldn't even take pictures of the ultrasound. Chinese herbs helped too, check with a local acupuncturist or call Nicole if you're interested. No more advice, sorry about that... I'm very happy for you!!

Amy said...

Must be a bloggy mind-meld... when I saw the title of your post I just knew. I couldn't believe that I was right -- but I am THRILLED for you both. What an amazing, incredible time. Yippeeee!!!! Can I suggest Dr. Sears' Baby Book or Birth Book as a good place to start -- gives lots of options. imho, throw away any "What To Expect..." copies you get!! :)