Friday, April 9, 2010


In another day I will have reached 33 weeks. The babe is now most likely around a whopping four pounds, and might be around 17 inches, head to toes. Today I took a walk up the hill from our house and felt those extra pounds I am carrying, along with the zapped energy this babe is sucking up from me.

Spring seemed quite a ways off when we discovered we were pregnant back in September. Now that it has descended upon us, the due date at the end of May seems quite tangible.

I love the way sun streams into this future baby room in the evening. As you can see, we have not done much transforming as of yet, but the babe clothes are certainly starting to stack up.


Unknown said...

Wow, you are eggpanding Missy, take it easy, let your body nourish that little babe inside.

Amy said...

Eric is punny. And your flowering-tree photos are gorgeous. And you are beautiful!! :)

And, I think you are not crazy but COOL for doing the gdiapers.