Saturday, February 20, 2010

Blue Skies

Though it is a Saturday, I woke early this morning, and could not get myself to fall back asleep. Something we have not seen in days- the sun- showed its face today. It changes everything, charging my urge to start my garden and open the windows, along with just getting out and enjoying it. In honor of the 60 degree sunny day, I hung the butterfly that my grandpa made on our back fence.

I thought I'd include another one of these... the belly progression. Last night I was feeling pretty sorry for myself as I nursed a sore throat, and then proceeded to empty the contents of my stomach for the umpteenth time. This is becoming so common, that soon after I finished puking, I headed back outside to continue bringing in the groceries left in the car. I have tried reasoning with this babe inside me, whose kicks are becoming more persistent. But as long as the nausea is a sign that this bugger is about as healthy as can be, I'll tough out the puking.

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