Monday, May 24, 2010

Crump House Barber Shop

Much to my happiness, Josh spent his year in Mexico, and opening months in Bowling Green visiting the barber shop for his haircuts, and always came away with a sleek-looking do. But after his last experience waiting on a slow-working, ultra-careful barber last month, Josh lost all interest in wasting time and money going somewhere for his hair needs and has taken the task back into his own hands. So he performs an act as seen above, standing over the sink and garbage can with a razor, running the electrical cutting device back and forth and all around his head until he comes out with a somewhat uniform military-esque cut. Then I am summoned for the clean trim along the neck line and around the ears. I dislike this. But if Josh is happy to have saved $10 and a half hour, who am I to judge?


Josh Meltzer said...

Two corrections...
1. Price of haircut = $11
2. Wait for haircut 1.5 hours

Eric said...

And in my estimation that would be about ten pounds of mashed potatoes. Plus if you left a tip then you could throw in another 6 ears of corn.

Amy said...

Get a big manila envelope and pay the cost of the haircut into it each time. Then, in 25 years, take a trip with it...

Now, why didn't I think of that when I started cutting Sean's hair 8 years ago??