Monday, May 3, 2010

Lakeside Homes

It began raining on Friday night, and did not cease until Sunday evening. And it was coming down hard. It was as though the sky was releasing some major pent up frustration. As Josh and I drove to run errands on Sunday morning, my car sputtered and stalled a few times, likely due to something soggy under the hood. We saw a number of homes that were precariously near (or in) newly formed ponds. In the middle of the night we were awakened by a large crash, which turned out to be a tree limb. It thankfully did no damage to our house (or us!), and we were about as relieved that it did not crush the fig tree we transplanted to our yard from Roanoke (we are so proud of that tree, now sporting about 15 young, green figs).
While leaving campus this evening, Josh and I walked by this humorous item in a frat house yard... who knows how long this "pond" will remain, but for now it is being put to good use.

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